Sunday, December 8, 2013

This Week

If you can, plan to come to the CW Showcase on Wed. at 5:
Please join us for the Fall semester's
Creative Writing Capstone & Graduate Showcase
Wed. 12/11 @ 5 PM in Halle Auditorium
Featuring work in multiple mediums by:

Wayne Westcott 

Brooke Cancilliari

Kristen Gines

Michael McCarthy

Miranda Metelski

Monday bring your project, or what you have of it so far to share and discuss in class. Come see me to talk in person in my office anytime M/W between 2-3:30.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Video essays links and info

Watch some of the following, click through the links to learn more about what a video essay, visual essay, or essay as film is. Write about 3-4 of the examples here in a blog post and bring some comments, responses, ideas, and discussion of the films you watched to class on Monday.

video essay introduction:

some background info to go along with the Bresland:

plus: mullen vimeo: