Monday, September 16, 2013

Project 1 Assignment

CRTW422 Transgenre / Fall 13 / Darling

Project 1 Assignment

"I have always said that writing is energy taking shape in language. Sexual, libidinal,mental, and spiritual energies give to us the irresistible need to declare things, tomake new positions, to look for solutions which can unknot social patterns of violenceand death, to explore unknown territories of the mind to search for each of ouridentities, to fill the gap between real and unreal."

--Nicole Brossard, "Poetic Politics"

The topic/theme/content and the style of presentation of the project is up to you. Think though about how to enact some of the philosophical or theoretical ideas of the texts we have read in the creative manifestation of your own project. Maybe there is a line or passage or reference, association, or idea that resonates and becomes the starting point or center of your project. Consider the intersections between philosophical, theoretical, creative and your own experiences, interpretations, and impulses as a writer and artist; how do these affect the creative process and the realization of the work?

Also, you should consider the relationship between form and content in both the process and product. What do you want the work to "be about" or to address? How do you want to present, structure, organize, show this content through formal strategies and choices? How can you use visual, linguistic, sonic and sensory, or other elements in the process of creating form in relation to content? Consider what kinds of language and structure choices you are making and why these contribute to the holistic process + product of the work at hand.

Finally you should turn in 4-6 pages of text plus any other elements you would like to include. If the work is entirely on the web or in visual form, include a transcript of the text or a write-up that explains where the work is, how to access it, and any other relevant information. Please talk to me about how to go about creating, formalizing, and turning in your project if you have questions.

See syllabus for due dates.

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